

The petition in relation to tennis was proposed by the association through a misunderstanding. Inasmuch as tennis was played by more men than lacrosse or cricket, and the idea of the faculty was to do the most good to the most men with the ground. Dr. Sargent felt justified in saying to a member of the executive committee that if this fact in relation to tennis being more popular than lacrosse was proved, it would have great weight with the faculty, and he suggested a petition. Another gentleman on the athletic committee said that Dr. Sargent's action was hasty and the grounds were positively to be given to lacrosse and cricket, on the east and west ends of Jarvis field, in order to get their position settled. In the fall, new tennis courts, behind Divinity Hall and in other places will be provided, but for the present spring the association will be confined to some ten or fifteen scattered courts on Holmes and Jarvis field. The situation of each one of these will shortly be published, and they will be marked in a few days. Courts on that part of Jarvis field occupied by the lacrosse will be laid out soon, and they may be played on until 4 P. M. All information will be cheerfully furnished by the secretary.

W. AMORY GARDNER, For the Executive Com.
