

The junior crew is rowing twice daily.

A California Club has been formed at Yale.

The Christian Brethren held a very enjoyable social meeting last evening.

The advanced section in junior themes will meet Mr. Wendell today.

Lehigh has applied for admission into the Inter-collegiate Tennis Association.


C. P. Curtis. '83, has given up his intention of rowing with the University crew.

The Columbia college nine will play the Brown nine in New York on June 2d.

Base-ball is on the boom at present at Columbia. The different classes have organizes nines and will probably have class games later.

The annual room-lottery takes place today. The prize winners will be announced this afternoon. It is expected that the game with the Walthams next Saturday will be one the most interesting of the season, as the Walthams are one of the best amateur nines in the state, in both fielding and batting. The game will be called at 3.30 promptly.

Mr. Briggs will today lecture on "Argumentative Composition." Special subject: "Study of Burke's Speeh on Concilliation with America."

Harvard Union can vassers are reminded that their sheets of names, filled out on both sides, must be returned to the president of the Union on Saturday, April 19.

A telegram received early yesterday morning reported that the Harvard ball grounds were flooded by the heavy rains. The nine therefore was obliged to abandon the proposed game.

Owing to lack of preparation at Watertown, the matches announced for yesterday had to be postponed. They will be shot next Friday, when a large attendance is expected.

In a brush yesterday between the University and the senior crews, the latter rowing thirty-seven strokes to the minute, were able to keep up with the university from the Brighton bridge to the boat-house.

The celebration of the tercentenary of the founding of Edinburgh University began last Tuesday. The exercises were attended by a large number of distinguished guests, among whom was Mr. James Russell Lowell, who represents Harvard, Yale, Cornell, and the Smithsonian Institute.

Mr. H. P. Peirson, '85, has been elected treasurer of the Natureal History Society. At the last meeting the following members were elected: from '84 Jack and C. T. Billings; from '85, J. W. Bemis, W. K. Draper, E. D. Marsh, and Beaman; from L. S., J. E. Humphrey, G. H. Parker. and Sargent.

The Junior forensic due today-Subject: 1. A criticism of the recent decision of the Supreme Court in the legal-tender case. 2. England's Egyptian policy. 3. A criticism of Sumner's "What Social Classes owe to each other." 4. What are the conditions under which a Republican form of Goverment may be expected to do permanent? 5. Have we any knowledge independent of experience? Any of the subjects for the fourth senior forensic may also be taken by juniors.
