Wanted-A club of students can be accommodated with board at No. 6 Garden street. Mrs. T. Spyree.
Lost-A bunch of keys; finder will please leave it at Bracelet's drug store.
Found-watch chain and charm. The owner can have the same by applying at Leavitt and Perch's.
For sale-A fifty-inch Expert Columbia bicycle, full nickel, ball-bearings on front and rear wheels, together with lamp, chronometer and bell. For further information apply at 26 College House.
For tutoring in Freshman Algebra and German apply to E. D. Marsh, Thayer 28. Refers to Mr. Lutz.
Mr. H. L. Hurlbut, tailor, 125 Tremont street, has received his selection of spring woolens. Harvard students are invited to make an examination.
For hobby stylish boots and shoes go to H. H. Tuttle and Co., they are the agents of the Co-operative Society.
Lost-a brown plum colored overcoat bound with velvet and with velvet collar, brown lining; blue lining in arms. Information about the above will be rewarded by Gardener M. Lane, 42 Quincy street.
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English C.