The energy of the projectors of the Meiji's Elevated Railroad, which is eventually to connect Bowdoin and Harvard squares, is gratifying both to the citizens of Cambridge and more especially to the students of our university, who are probably more personally interested than any other class of persons. As we are promised that work on the proposed road will be begun in a short time and pushed to completion as rapidly as possible, it is now but a question of a few months when we shall be able to enjoy a more comfortable and rapid mode of transit than at present exists. The benefits of this closer connection with the neighboring city of Boston will be of advantage in many ways to a university city like Cambridge, and to the university itself. Situated so as to be free from the bustle and noise of a great city, yet within a few minutes ride of that city so as to enjoy the opportunities which a metropolis alone can afford, the position of Harvard as the leading university of the country, cannot but be benefited by the new road.
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