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The feeling annually aroused by the time fixed for the regular spring vacation certainly deserves to meet more consideration than it has hitherto received. After the work of the mid-year examinations it is but natural that everyone should feel pretty well tired out, but no attention whatever is paid to this fact; recitations continue regularly, and as a result little work, if any, is done for a week or two by the students. Then, just as everything gets in running order again, a vacation comes to break in upon the work, and necessitates an entirely new start. Such a state of affairs at first sight seems absurd, and on further consideration, it seems even more ridiculous. Why, if vacations are given for recuperations are they not given when they are most needed, is the most natural query. Under the present arrangement, not only do the students in reality lose more time, the work in reality is made harder for them. Also it would certainly seem most fitting for some move to be taken by the faculty to at least consider the advisability of a change.
