The popularity of half courses (such as History 2 and Philosophy 2 or 3) which occupy three hours a week for half the year, ought to induce the faculty to increase the number of these courses in the elective pamphlet for the ensuing year. A still greater improvement, however, might be made by extending this system to half courses of one hour a week, which at present last throughout the year, as all the arguments which can be cited in favor of the three hour half courses, would apply with still greater force to two-hour half courses. The interest must necessarily flag in one hour courses, in which the students and instructor meet but once a week. By doubling up such courses and having them occupy but half a year with two hours a week of recitations, this disadvantage would in a great measure be overcome as the interest would no longer have to be kept up by weekly installments as under the present arrangement. In such courses as Political Economy 5, 6 and 7, which occupy one hour a week throughout the whole year, the system of half courses for half a year might well be tried, and would, we feel sure, be attended with beneficial results, both in the number of the students and in the interest felt by them.
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