

MARCH-APRIL, 1884.-No. 112.MARCH 30. SUNDAY.Appleton Chapel. Rev. C. C. Everett, D. D., 7.30 P. M. Subject: "Beggarly Elements."

31. MONDAY.Last day of re-engaging College rooms for 1884-85.

Babylonian-Assyrian and Greek Culture. Professor Lyon. Sever 11, 7.30 P. M.


APRIL 1. TUESDAY.Last day of receiving applications of candidates for Second year Honors.

Certain Authors of the XVIIIth and XIXth Centuries. Special subject: "Nathaniel Hawthorne." Prof. A. S. Hill. Sever 11, 11 A. M.

College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 3.30 P. M.

2. WEDNESDAY.The spring recess begins this day and ends Tuesday, April 8.

Harvard Historical Society Lectures-Owing to the recess, the date of Col. Stone's lecture will be changed from Tuesday, April 8, to Friday, April 11.

JUNIOR FORENSICS.The fourth junior forensic will be due on April 17. Subjects: 1. A criticism of the recent decision of the Supreme Court in the legal-tender case. 2. England's Egyptian policy. 3. A criticism of Sumner's "What Social Classes owe to each other." 4. What are the conditions under which a Republican form of government may be expected to be permanent? 5. Have we any knowledge independent of experience? (Any of the subjects for the fourth senior forensic may also be taken by juniors.)

JUNIOR THEMES.Advanced section.-Mr. Wendell will meet the Advanced Section in Sever 5 on Tuesday, April 1, at 2 o'clock, to consider a plan of work for the rest of the year.

SOPHOMORE THEMES.Theme V. will be due on Monday, April 14th. Subject: "A Narrative or a Description.

FRESHMAN EXAMINATIONS.All examinations begin at 10 A. M.

Conditioned men go to Sever 37.

Greek-Tuesday, April 1: Prof. Croswell's sections: Adv. I. in Mass. 3; i.-iv. in Mass. 1. Prof. Dyer's sections: Adv. II., v., and vi. in Sever 37. Minimum section in U. E. R.
