The necessity for more land is fast being forced upon the college, and the marked changes in our athletic grounds this spring emphasize this need even more strongly than ever before. The gradual usurpations of the university teams, whose name, in truth, is legion, upon the grounds that have hitherto been given up to tennis, or to any outdoor exercise of those men who did not play on any of the teams, while it may be necessary so long as the teams hold their present position, is yet much to be regretted. There is, perhaps, no sport in college in such general favor as tennis, and to have the great number of those who wish to engage in it confined to so few courts that a majority of them will be shut out, is a lamentable state of affairs. Probably the best possible way to raise the average standard of athletics here is to give every man a chance to take part on some out-door sports. At Yale, the athletic grounds are at a considerable distance from the college, and there is no doubt, in our opinion. that some such suitable field as this could be secured within a reasonable distance from the college, which could be devoted to tennis, and to those men who are not on any of the regular teams. That such a field would fill a long-felt want there can be no question.
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