

A shorthand writing class has been formed at Princeton.

The nine and the lacrosse team practiced on Jarvis yesterday afternoon.

Mr. N. S. Dilse, '85, has been elected manager of the Brown University nine.

Sparring at Princeton has been forbidden on the ground of brutality in previous contests.

We cannot undertake to return rejected manuscript unless accompanied by the proper postage.


The funeral of the late Prof. Ezra Abbot takes place this afternoon at 1.30, from Appleton Chapel.

Bulkley, '87, has been obliged to leave college and go South, his lungs having become seriously affected.

Yesterday, Marcus Kimball, '86, was unanimously elected captain of the University football team for 1884.

Mr. W. C. Boyden has assumed the management of the debt of the '86 crew. Mr. Courteny Guild being unable to do so.

Professor A. S. Hill will read his lecture on "Sir Walter Scott," which he was unable to deliver last week, before the sophomores, this forenoon.

Mr. C. J. Renter, '84, and Mr. J. Marquand, '85, will represent Harvard's lacrosse interests at the inter collegiate convention in New York tomorrow. The result of last year's Yale game will be protested.

A meeting is to be called later in the week of all interested in the formation of a University rifle team, with a view to inter-collegiate match shooting.

There will be no junior class dinner. The project has fallen through from lack of interest on the part of the class, though 44 out of the required 50 names were put down.

General E. Opdycke will lecture before the Harvard Historical Society this evening. Subject: "The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaign, June 24 to November 28, 1863."

The freshman examination today will be on the year's course of Classical Lecture. The sections will be examined at the following rooms: Abbot to Furber, Mass. 1; Gardner to Meeks, Mass. 3; Meredith to Sampson, U. F. R.; Saulsbury to Zerega, Sever 37; conditioned men, Sever 37.

The fourth Senior Forensic will be handed in this afternoon. Subject: 1. Ought the government do anything to aid in reviving the commerce of the United States? 2. What ought to be considered the real issues in the coming presidential contest? 3. Why does poverty tend to increase as the population and wealth of a nation increases? 4. The influence of religion upon plastic art and painting. 5. Define realism as exemplified in novel writing. 6. The influence of Aristotle on modern thought.
