Reserved seat tickets for the winter meeting can be had at Leavitt and Peirce's.
Tutoring in Freshman German, Trigonometry, and Physics. J. N. Garratt, '83, 48 Thayer.
Lost-Will the gentleman who took the black cane with silver top from Adam's restaurant last Thursday kindly return the same to the restaurant.
Wanted.-A spread room with parlors attached in some house near the college, for Class Day. Address communications to S., care of HERALD-CRIMSON.
For experienced tutor in Freshman German address, "G.," 26 Holyoke street.
For nobby stylish boots and shoes go to H. H. Tuttle and Co., they are the agents of the Co-operative Society.
Tutoring in Freshman, German and Trigonometry. G. W. Brown, '84, 57 Thayer.
Tutoring in freshman Mathematics and Physics, maximum and minimum. By a tutor of four years experience. Geo. W. Sawin, '84, 27 Hollis.
Tutoring in Maximum and Minimum Freshman Mathematics by a tutor of long experience. C. A. Hobbs, 6 Little's Block.
Mrs. Spyvee, No. 6 Garden street, can accommodate a club of students with board-a pleasant well-furnished room, and one of the best locations in Cambridge.
Mr. H. L. Hurlbut, tailor, 125 Tremont street, has received his selection of spring woollens. Harvard students are invited to make an examination.
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Appleton Chapel.