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We print in another column a letter which advocates making some use of the old gymnasium. To many students it has seemed to be a pity that a building of such size should be solely devoted to the humble purposes of the college carpenter shop. It is situated so near to Memorial and close to the yard that it is no wonder that such men have constantly turned a longing eye towards it in hopes that it might some day be at least more useful if not more ornamental. The idea of making the building into several rooms is a good one. Unless the college carpenters desire to build small houses inside or use the space to store up a whole wood yard they cannot need all the room which the building affords. There must be at least room enough to enable the bicycle club to establish a headquarters in it, with opportunities for storage for their machines. The plan suggested by the writer of having an agency for the rent of bicycles would doubtless meet with approval by many who desire to ride occasionally, but who do not care to buy or have the trouble of keeping one themselves. However, we doubt if the college authorities would allow a college building to be used by outside parties. Still this latter scheme might be carried out somewhere else in or near the college. But for the gymnasium we advise the bicycle club to make a move. An earnest effort on their part might meet with a favorable reception by the faculty.
