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It was very evident at the first meeting of the athletic association this year on Saturday last that the number of entries was very small, and, although the contests were interesting, that the meeting was not as successful as those in former years/ Three, out of the ten events, were walk-overs, and prizes were awarded in them without any contest whatever. It almost goes without saying that on the number of entries, for the great part, depends the success of the meetings. In view of this it seems strange that more men have not entered and done their share towards making the meetings successful. The officers have done all in their power, but they are powerless unless they are supported, and heartily supported, by the college. We trust that the succeeding meetings may show a great improvement in this respect over the last one, and we would urge every man who can enter for an event to do so, and so contribute toward making the meetings successful, as we are sure the whole college wishes them to be.
