

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS HERALD-CRIMSON.-The old gymnasium which is now used as a carpenter shop, seems to be standing in the cold and waiting for somebody to fix it up. Bicyclists are sadly in need of such a place to keep their machines in, and also it is a good place for a reading-room and billiard room. There is space enough in the building to make four or five large rooms. The Pope Manufacturing Co. had last summer several agencies around the country, where they kept bicycles and tricycles to let; they also taught riding. Now, perhaps they could be prevailed upon to take one of these rooms and fit it up, having stalls which they would let to students for bicycles, the rent of stall might include care of machine. They could use what extra space is left for a stock of their own which they could keep to tent. The other rooms could be used for above purposes. The billiard room would be a long felt want supplied, and also the reading-room. If any space is left, a club room would be appropriate. This building, being so near Memorial Hall, will answer for these purposes better than any other.

