Year by year the colleges devoted to the education of girls are approaching more closely in all respects to the colleges designed for the other sex. In some colleges the girls are learning to row, and it is even rumored that the secret cigarette is smoked by presumably fair lips, and that foot-ball-played with a ball loosely stuffed with feathers-has lately been introduced into a female college situated not very far from this city. The most remarkable instance of the progress made in girls' colleges toward a complete equality with other colleges was furnished the other day by the girls of Stalace Female College, in Ohio, by a hotly contested back-hair rush between the sophomores and the freshmen.
There had been a good deal of hazing at Stalace College during the past winter. Bands of sophomores, stimulated by tea, had entered the rooms of freshwomen, and by confiscating their hairpins, compelling them to surrender any jam or peanuts brought by them from home, and in some instances removing curl papers and straightening the hair of the victims with mucilage, had created some little ill-feeling between the classes. With a view of removing this ill-feeling by substituting a legitimate "rush" for illegitimate "hazing," committees of freshwomen and sophomores arranged the great back-hair rush of last Monday afternoon.
As the freshwomen did not care to carry canes, but did insist upon wearing back hair, it was agreed that at 4 o'clock on Monday last the two classes should meet on the college campus, and that one freshwoman, to be chosen by her classmates, should appear with back hair in position. The sophomores were then to make a united effort to deprive the freshwoman of her back hair, and the other freshwomen were to defend her, and upon the issue of the struggle was to depend the right of the freshwomen to wear back hair during the rest of the term.
The rush took place promptly at the appointed hour. The classes were not unequally matched, for, although there were twenty-eight freshwomen and twenty-four sophomores, the aggregate weight of the latter was largely in excess of that of their competitors. The freshwoman who wore the back hair for which the battle was to be fought, was placed in the centre of a compact mass of her classmates, who were resolved to defend her at all hazards. The sophomores, confident of an easy victory, had made few preparations for the contest, except that of putting on their oldest clothes, and they were guilty of the extreme folly of wearing their own back hair, a mistake which, as the event proved, was destined to make the struggle a fruitless one.
For nearly half an hour the two classes struggled for the mastery. The campus was strewn with torn skirts and sowed thick with hairpins, and the faculty, hanging on the outskirts of the combatants, and weeping and wringing their hands, were powerless to restore order. Gradually the sophomores fought their way to the freshwoman who wore the back hair, and finally they triumphantly tore it from her head. At the same moment the freshwomen, inspired by a happy thought, simultaneously seized the quack hair of their opponents and fled to their rooms, each bearing her trophy.
The "rush" was over, but it is still undecided whether the freshwomen are to wear back hair. It is true that the back hair of their champion was seized; but, on the other hand, they claim that they captured twenty-four distinct sets of back hair from their opponents, and, hence, that the victory was really with the freshwomen. The question is a new one in educational annals, and unless the proposal already made to submit it for decision to the presidents of Yale, Harvard, and Columbia is accepted, it may remain unsettled, and a fruitful cause of perpetual discussion among the students of Stalace College. [Ex.
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