For nobby stylish boots and shoes go to H. H. Tuttle and Co., they are the agents of the Co-operative Society.
J. F. Noera is ready to take measures for white flannel suits warranted to be made from the best flannel (No. 1 Talbott mill) and perfect fit; at 436 Harvard street.
Tutoring in Freshman, German and Trigonometry. G. W. Brown, '84, 57 Thayer.
Tutoring in freshman Mathematics and Physics, maximum and minimum. By a tutor of four years experience. Geo. W. Sawin, '84, 27 Hollis.
Lost-Will the gentleman who took by mistake a black stiff hat from the library Monday afternoon please leave it at the library or leave word there.
Wanted-Tickets with reserved seats for Athletic Meeting of March 22d. Address, stating number of tickets and terms, J. W. D., 18 Appian Way.
Tutoring in Maximum and Minimum Freshman Mathematics by a tutor of long experience. C. A. Hobbs, 6 Little's Block.
Tutoring in Trigonometry, Algebra and Analytic Geometry. I shall be in Cambridge on and after March 6th, and shall be ready to tutor in any of the above mentioned subjects. Call upon or address William H. Coolidge, 19 Stoughton.
Mrs. Spyvee, No. 6 Garden street, can accommodate a club of students with board-a pleasant well-furnished room, and one of the best locations in Cambridge.
For experienced tutor in Freshman German, also reading of translation of Cicero's "Republic," apply or address 'G.," 26 Holyoke street.
Mr. H. L. Hurlbut, tailor, 125 Tremont street, has received his selection of spring woollens. Harvard students are invited to make an examination.
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Alterations of a Foot Ball Rule.