Twelve members of the club met at Watertown yesterday afternoon. The shooting was much better than at any of the previous meets, the clay-bird scores especially running very high. The matches were under the direction of Mr. W. H. Slocum; scoring by Mr. S. C. Jones. Below is the summary of events:
Match 1. 5 glass balls. Fist, W. L. Allen, '86, Palmer, '87, E. J. Sartelle, 85, W. H. Slocum, '86. Second, W. Austin, '87, Frye, '86.
Match 2. 15 glass balls. "Walnut Hill Cup" match. First, W. H. Slocum, '86, 13 balls. Second, E. J. Sartelle, '85, 12 balls.
Match 3. 5 clay birds. First, F. Austin, '86, W. Austin, Frye, Palmer. Second, Foster, S. S., Payne, '84, Sartelle, Slocum.
Match 4. 5 clay birds. First, Payne. Second, Batten, '85, F. Austin, W. Austin, Frye, Palmer, Sartelle, Slocum.
Match 5. First, W. Austin, Sartelle, Slocum. Second, Foster, Frye.
Match 6. First, Frye; second, F. Austin, Slocum.
Match 7. First, Allen, F. Austin, Frye. Second, Palmer, Slocum.
The next competition will be shot on Wednesday, March 19th.
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