In view of the great success attained by the Harvard chapter of Phi Beta Kappa as a literary society, particularly among its graduate members, it is but natural that Yale should wish to imitate this success. Of course there are local causes which prompt the revival of this society at New Haven. Nevertheless the long series of brilliant meetings during commencement week at Harvard of this society, -occasions which have been rendered famous by orations or poems by such men as Emerson, Wendell Phillips, James Russell Lowell, E. C. Stedman, Geo. W. Curtis, Charles Francis Adams and Robert Grant, -cannot but reflect lustre upon the fame of the society in general. The recent establishment of a general senate of the society, composed of delegates from the several college chapters, is likely to do much to increase its influence. The list of senators contains the names of many men prominent in politics, in education and in letters. It is safe to say that there is no other association of educated men of equal weight in this country.
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