

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Anonymous contributions will be accepted.

EDITORS HERALD-CRIMSON.-At the recent Princeton Alumni dinner in New York, while Dr. McCosh stated many sound reasons for the aptitude of the college faculty regarding athletics, he used the following severe sentence: "I am sure that neither the manners nor morals of our students are elevated by association with every sort of gaming company." It is such words as these, we believe, that do more injury to college athletics than any other statements. It is well known in the college world that the morals and manners of the athletic men are much better than those of the rest of the men. Healthful and judicious fraining forbids them to indulge in vices, smoking and drinking, etc., that are too common among all students.

Moreover, the ungentlemanly (?) element that is complained of in college men seldom, if ever, comes from the athletic set, but from those who have the least to do with athletics. We think it would be difficult to point out any moral evil that men receive from legitimate professional training. It is true that a few foolish and weak men have been persuaded to enter the professional arena, but that is no reason why the hundreds who do not should suffer for the faults of the very few. Men who are not able to resist the fascinating wiles of the ungentlemanly professional trainer, are not worth looking after.

"Every sort of gaming company" is a strong statement to make about six or seven athletic coaches. Because college teams play with a few amateur or even professional teams of known reputation, they can scarcely be said to associate haphazard with whatever "gaming association" comes along. The evils that are said to arise from intercourse with professionals have never been clearly defined, and a clear definition of them is necessary before any judgment ought to be passed upon college athletics. There is a decided objection to professionalism creeping into athletics, but hitherto its advances have been so slight and have been met with so much disfavor by college men who manage athletics that any reform may be safely trusted to their hands. Such a sentence as the above, doubtless made without thinking, prejudices the world at large, (who have little opportunity to view the student side of the question), to pass a hasty and one-sided judgment upon college sports.

G. A. M.
