

FEBRUARY, 1884.-No. 105.

FEBRUARY 10. SUNDAY.Appleton Chapel. President M. H. Buckham, of the University of Vermont, 7.30 P. M. Text: "Acts XXVI. 19."

11. MONDAY.Second half-year begins.

12. TUESDAY.Certain authors of the XVIIIth and XIXth centuries. (Course for sophomores.) Special subject: Laurence Sterne. Professor A. S. Hill. Sever 11, 11 A. M.


College Faculty. Meeting at University 5, 3.30 P. M.

Law Faculty. Meeting at President's house, 7.30 P. M.

13. WEDNESDAY.Electricity and Magnetism. Prof. Lovering. Harvard 3, 11 A. M.

Greek Readings. Plato's Meno (first half). Professor Allen. Sever 11, 7.30 P. M.

14. THURSDAY.Narrative Composition. (Course for sophomores.) Special subject: Movement in Narrative, as illustrated by Scott, Thackeray, and others. Mr. Briggs. Sever 11, 11 A. M.

15. FRIDAY.The Cuneiform Inscriptions and the old Testament. Prof. Lyon. Upper Divinity Hall, 12 M.

16. SATURDAY.History and Methods of Classical Study. Prof. Allen. Sever 14, 11 A. M.

SENIOR FORENSICS.Third senior forensic due on Feb. 19. The second forensic will be returned to sections 3 and 4 (J. E. Howe to Ziegler) on Tuesday, Feb. 12, from 2 to 4 P. M, in Sever 1.

JUNIOR FORENSIC.Third forensic, due on March 13. Subjects: 1. By what arguments can the existence of private property in land be justified? 2. From their point of view, were the Greeks justified in condemning Socrates to death? 3. Is language necessary to thought? 4. Can the State do anything to prevent monopolies? 5. The Duke of Marlborough and Wellington compared.

The second forensic will be returned to sections 1 and 2 (Alderson to Lawrence), on Thursday, Feb. 14, from 2 to 4 P. M., in Sever 1.

JUNIOR THEMES.Mr. Wendell will criticise Theme IV. before all sections, in Sever 11, on Tuesday, Feb. 12, at 2 o'clock.

SPHOMORE THEMES.Theme III. will be due Feb. 14. Subjects: 1. A translation from the German. 2, 3. Subjects connected with the Civil War, cf. Hart's series of lectures. 4. On Valentines serious and comic. 5. My favorite poet and why I like him. 6. The present condition of the Civil Service. 7. What is the difference between a Republican and a Democrat?
