The New York Herald speaks as follows of the Yale nine. "The Yale College ball players expect to do some excellent work during the coming season. Mr. Camp, the trainer of the club, was in this city yesterday and stated to a Herald reporter that he thought the Yale College team would be one of the finest fielding college nines in the arena, and he felt certain that they would also make their mark as batsmen. He has eighteen men exercising in the gymnasium, and this year the selection of players will be made on a different plan than heretofore. The two teams are to be pitted against each other in a dozen games or more, and the representative players will be selected from the best of the eighteen. Mr. Camp further stated that the other colleges had all strengthened their teams for the campaign of 1884, and if Yale was again successful in winning the championship, as he hoped would be the case, it would only be after a harder fight than in any previous season."
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