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One of the main features of a new literary periodical called the Revue Internationals, which is published in England by Messrs. Trubner and Co., will be a regular literary correspondence from Paris, London, Berlin, Vienna, and other principal cities of the world. Each correspondent will closely follow the literary productions of the country relating to which he writes, and will give numerous extracts and translations, so that the readers of the Revue Internationale will have placed before them every fifteen days "a perfect mirror of the current literature of the world."

We have wondered at and regretted our defeats in athletic games with Eastern colleges, but the fact is easily explained first by our lack of interest and work, and secondly by our lack of funds. We have plenty of men; the fact is evident. All they want is proper training and the proper support. There is enough latent interest; all it needs is to be aroused and it will ensure the proper warm support as far as encouragement and co-operation are concerned. [The Chronicle.
