In the course of a reply to an address from McGill University recently, the governor-general of Canada stated that he was struck by the obvious desire of the authorities to spread their advantages as widely as possible over Canada; not to make them the privilege of the few and wealthy. In this way they were not following the old English universities, but those which had left on the Scottish character an impress which was ineffaceable, and which had contributed to place Scotsmen in the foremost place in every country they visited. He was also struck by the elasticity of their system. By allowing advanced students to be examined in either literature, mathematics, or mental or moral science, they were singularly fortunate in avoiding two extremes, making their university neither an agglomeration of technical schools, nor a place for learning dead languages. A university should be a centre from which culture and enlightenment should radiate in all directions. He was, therefore, glad to see them exercising influence outside their walks in their normal school, in affiliated colleges and in the public examinations, which, he was happy to say, were open to both sexes. [Ex.
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Bowdoin Prizes for 1890-91.