

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Mr. Alfred E. Haserick, of Commonwealth avenue, who has been during the last two years a pupil of Dr. Humphreys, sailed on the Arizona last Tuesday on his way to enter Christ Church, Oxford. Dr. Humphreys, therefore, has a vacancy for a pupil, either resident or daily, to prepare for Harvard as freshman or sophomore. He would prefer one having the ambition to enter on advanced standing.

Tutoring in Trigonometry, Algebra and Analytics, by a tutor of four years experience. G. W. Sawin, '84, 27 Hollis.

Found-A pair of cuffs with buttons. Call at 5 Grays.

Found-In University, a stylographic pen. Apply at 18 Grays.

Lost-Will the gentleman who took by mistake from the gymnasium last week a silk umbrella marked on the handle J. C. Faulkner, kindly return the same to 27 Thayer.


Tutoring in Spanish 1. The Gil Blas and Historia de Grecia will be translated Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock, at 880 Main street.

A. E. A. Godnefrin, teacher of French. No. 40 Montgomery street, Boston.
