It is perhaps such considerations as this of the importance of building the tower first in any system of education as well as in any system of architecture, that offer the best argument in favor of the continued study of Greek as a leading part of the curriculum of American universities,-the study of Greek, that is to say, as representing the best and most liberal culture obtainable. No argument in favor of Greek and its allied theory of a liberal education seems stronger to us than this an argument perfectly abstract in its nature, it is true, and not likely to appeal strongly to the hard sense and utilitarian doctrines of a democratic public, and therefore only to be offered to the narrower public of the college world. That this argument, and arguments like this, or indeed that the more practical and definite arguments from utility and experience that are more often urged in favor of Greek in the debate now going on, are likely to prevail here at Harvard, where the contest in this country has now principally centred, seems indeed very doubtful. A follower of Mr. Matthew Arnold mitt be inclined to say that Harvard is fast going over to the Philistines. How that may be we do not know, since Philistines or Barbarians in this country are hard to define, and it would be very presumptuous to use such terms without sufficient warrant. Surely Charles Francis Adams, Jr., is not a Barbarian.
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