The University of Pennsylvania advocates a protective tariff.
Seventeen per cent of the men in the Yale freshman class use tobacco.
The examination in Political Economy 6 will be held on Wednesday.
Stone, '85, who broke his leg in the gymnasium, Saturday, is at present very comfortable.
The income of the University of Cambridge is L231,265, and at Oxford it is at least L100,000 more.
Pach's room photographer will be in Cambridge until Wednesday evening. Appointments should be made at once.Thomas A. Amery, of Cincinnati, a pupil of St. Paul's School of Concord, N. H., was fatally injured Saturday while coasting.
The Boston yacht Gitana, Weld owner, with Messrs. Sears and Grant as guests, arrived safely at Gibraltar, from Bermuda, a few days ago.
Mr. John Avery, a well known civil engineer, a graduate of Harvard, was killed last week on the New York Central Railroad.
The Chicago Medical College has again got into trouble, owing to its somewhat peculiar method of obtaining "subjects."
The police of New Haven last week broke up a party of students who had assembled to witness a rat-killing contest.
Lehigh University will soon have a chapel for religious services and public exercises, capable of seating one thousand people.
Mr. Spence, '85, has resigned the captaincy of the Princeton Lacrosse team, and Mr. Poe, '84, has been elected in his place.
C. G. Parker, '85, and F. B Austin, '86, have been elected business editors of the HERALD-CRIMSON, and J. H. Gardiner, '85, and G. A. Morrison, '87, regular editors.
Dr. Edward N. Whittier, who was last week appointed visiting physician of the Massachusetts General Hospital, in place of the late Dr. Calvin Ellis, is prominently mentioned as the probable successor of Dr. Ellis in the faculty of the Harvard Medical School.
A study of the weights of the oarsmen who have taken part in the English University boat races for the past three years, whows that the winning crews have gained in weight at the end of the training, while the losing crews have afforded evidence of over-training by a failure to maintain the body weight through the training season.
A meeting of the senior class of Yale College was held Friday morning in the Lyceum for the purpose of electing the following committees: Class secretary (a life position)_John Trumbull Swift; class cup committee Merritt, Cromwell and S. Hopkins; class supper committee-Holliday, Worcester, Wagner, Hyndmam and Dawson; class day committee-Strong, Lyman, Trowbridge, Nichols and Wolcott; senior promenade committee-C. Walker, Cottle, Daggett, Watrous, Bristow, Connell, Hand, Phelps and Patterson.
Miss Sadie Hall, a woman of thirty-five or forty, has brought suit against the editors of the Wooster Collegian, the organ of the University of Wooster, for libeling her good name and character, placing the amount of damages at $100,000. In several numbers of the Collegian, the editors have spoken somewhat ironically of Miss Hall and her actions, and she proposes to get pecuniary satisfaction, if the law will give it to her. At several sittings of the grand jury she attefor criminal libel, but failed each time.
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