The Yale News comments thus on the suggestion of the Boston Herald that an advisory committee of graduates be appointed to look after our nine: "We doubt very much if the surrender of the control of this branch of athletics to alumni will prove the best means for ensuring the undergraduate interest in base-ball, the lack of which at Harvard seems to us to be the real cause of her position in the league. If, when the full control of the base-ball interests are in the hands of the undergraduates, they fail to give the nine that enthusiastic support which alone will induce men to train, and do not take interest enough in its success to correct any abuses which may have crept into the management, it is hardly probable that taking the contest out of their hands will cause any great wave of enthusiastic interest in the fate of the nine to sweep over the college. The secret of our success in those branches of athletics where we have been successful-base-ball and foot-ball-is that here everything is in the hands of undergraduates and that consequently every undergraduate takes a personal interest in the work of the nine and eleven."
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Princeton's Post Graduate Department.