

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

Lost-On Wednesday morning on the way to or from chapel, a right-hand sealskin glove. Finder will oblige by returning it to 14 Holworthy.

Wanted-Notes on the Classical lectures for freshman. College House 27.

Dr. Humphreys has a vacancy for one pupil, either to reside in his family or not, in place of Mr. A. E. Haserick, who has recently left for Oxford.

Mr. Noera announces elsewhere a new opening in gentlemen's furnishing goods at his enlarged warerooms.

Wanted-A club of students can be accommodated at 64 Mt. Auburn St. Mrs. Bucknell.


Wanted-A club of students can be accommodated at 5 Linden street, Cambridge, Mrs. Mooney.
