

There will be no recitation in Music 3, today.

Marks were given out yesterday in History 13.

Marks in Political Economy 1 will be out Monday.

The Cornellian, the Cornell annual, will soon be issued.

The sophomore crew are now rowing 300 strokes every afternoon.


The probable coxswain of the Yale University crew weighs only sixty-four pounds.

The University of California is ahead of us in one respect, it has a Political Science Club.

The baseball and lacrosse men at Princeton got the first out-door practice last week.

It is now thought that athletics at Cornell will be compulsory only with the freshman class.

President Eliot is reported as having said that it was doubtful if five colleges adopted the new regulations.

A baseball nine has been formed by the young lady students of Hallowell Classical Seminary, Maine.

The Dartmouth nine is practising daily in the gymnasium under direction of Corcoran of the Chicagos.

Princeton has lost three of her oldest and most distinguished professors during the last twelve months.

The Boston baseball team has arranged four games with Brown, three with Amherst, and two with Yale.

A large limb was yesterday broken from a birch tree near the library, by the weight of the damp snow upon it.
