

Junior Theme 5 is due tomorrow.

Yocum, '85, is now rowing with his class crew.

The next meeting of the faculty will be on next Tuesday.

J. Prentiss, '84, has been elected a member of the Finance Club.

Many of the tug-of-war candidates now take daily runs up North avenue.


The Princeton Assembly held its first cotillion Feb. 19. The project promises to be a success.

The recent snow stops all present hopes of out-of-door practice entertained by the baseball men.

The university lacrosse twelve and new candidates now meet in the yard every morning at 8 o'clock.

The average age of the Yale freshman class on entering college was eighteen years and ten months.

The yard presented a beautiful sight yesterday morning, as trees and buildings were covered with the feathery snow.

At Hamilton the student's standing is never made known to his friends, and is announced only to himself at his graduation.

St. Mark's Training School has been almost deserted by its students during the past few weeks, owing to an out-break of diphtheria.

The next volume in the "American Statesman" series, the life of Samuel Adams, will be written by John Fiske, formerly assistant librarian of Harvard.

The university and freshman crews rowed on the river yesterday afternoon. If the weather is pleasant this afternoon, all the crews expect to get upon the water.

A report from Princeton says that "Jim" Robinson, our old trainer, would not be allowed under the new regulations an appointment there as an athletic instructor.

A bill has been introduced in the house which provides for the establishing at West Point of a preparatory school for candidates for admission to the military academy.

More candidates for lacrosse are wanted from '87. It is hoped that enough will be in form when the spring opens to make up a class team to play Andover and other teams.

The new membership of the Cooperative Society continues to increase. To put it upon a firm basis for work this coming spring and summer at least 600 members are necessary.

All those desiring synopses of the lectures given by the Historical Society can get them by applying to the president. These synopses also contain a list of the reference books to be read for each lecture.

The following advertisement appeared in a German university town paper: For Rent-Fine room, good distance from the university and close to a pawn shop.

The batting records of the North Western College League have been published, and they average among the fair and good batsmen higher than our records. This is most likely due to an inferiority in the pitchers.

A new magazine, The Foreign Eclectic, has appeared, which contains selections from the best periodicals in France and Germany, and will be of value to those desiring to keep up their knowledge of these languages.

The vote of the faculty on the adoption of the regulations concerning athletics stood 23 to 5 in favor of them, This does not include all present, as several members did not vote. It is to be hoped that the next vote will be as marked in favor of the negative.

In his remarks at the Harvard Club dinner, at Delmonicos' last Thursday, Mr. C. M. Depew, president of the Yale Club, said: "In many things Yale is content to follow and learn of Harvard. This willingness extended even to New London;" and before the laughter had died away the speaker continued, "And last fall and the fall before and I don't know how many more falls, Yale also followed Harvard across the foot-ball field up town."
