Mr. J. Lowman, '84, has been elected a member of the Finance Club.
In addition to the other events at the Mott Haven games, there will be a 100-yards dash for graduates.
Exeter has a roller-skating polo team. It practises with a second team also selected from the academy boys.
Rutgers will join the new baseball league formed by Lafayette, Stevents, and the University of Pennsylvania.
All the tug-of-war teams, except that of the senior class, are now hard at work in the basement of the gymnasium.
Another attempt to form a Co-operative Society at Yale, on the model adopted by us, is being made. The papers are agitating the subject.
At Yale all the seniors of the Scientific School are compelled to attend a series of lectures on military tactics and operations, in addition to the regular work.
The Law School tug-of-war team, Easton, '83, Bachelder, '83, Curtis, '83, and Fiske, '81, are now constantly practising on the cleats with the class teams.
It is generally understood at Washington that Mr. Henry Adams, a Harvard graduate, son of Charles Francis Adams, wrote "Democracy," the much discussed novel. [Ex.
Prof. Longfellow's bust has been placed in Westminster Abby between those of Chaucer and Dryden. The inscription was prepared by Dean Stanley before his death.
The seniors of Hamilton College remain out to a man. It is claimed that all but two of the juniors have agreed to leave the college today if the seniors are not recalled, and that the sophomores and freshmen will go if the juniors do.
The Yale College faculty has declared that hereafter when juniors or sophomores injure freshmen, the guilty parties shall be punished just as if they had injured human beings. [Ex.
The University of Michigan has felt compelled to give up the "standard" time because the city authorities refused to adopt it, and the confusion resulting from two systems was too great.
Among the crowded and brilliant audience that enjoyed a "Trip to Africa" at the Bijou Thursday evening were Harvard students in vast white chokers, ad infinitum. [Globe.
L. E. Myers, the champion runner, is shortly to publish an interesting article on training for athletic contests, and has written to the most prominent men in the different sports getting their opinions on the matter.
President Eliot was prevented by a severe cold from attending the dinner of the Rhode Island Harvard Club, which took place on Monday instead of Friday, as was reported. Professor Dyer was present and read an article on the Greek question.
It is now settled that the Phi Beta Kappa will be revived among the students at New Haven. One of the professors, an old member, will initiate some of the seniors, and they will select men from the junior class. Only those who have taken a "philosophical" or high oration are eligible for membership.
German university students received some pretty severe thrusts in the Prussian Chamber of Deputies recently. Many complaints were made of the idleness, the drinking and dueling habits of students, of the academic system of cramming, and of the clique existence led by the professor. The sympathies of the great majority of the house, however, favored dueling.
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