

All notices published under this head except "Lost' and "Found" notices must he paid for before insertion.

Lost-By a young lady, yesterday afternoon, February 22, in the college grounds, or one of the buildings, a purse containing $30. The finder will greatly oblige by leaving the same at Prof. J. P. Cooke's, 25 Quincy street.

Lost-In Sever 37, during the recent examinations, an ivory foot rule. The finder will confer a great favor by returning it to 18 Hollis.

Lost-An A. T. Cross Stylographic pen. The finder will confer a favor by leaving the same with H. F. Atwood, 25 Grays.

Dr. Humphreys begs to inform his old pupils and others that he will be at 6 Mt. Auburn street, Cambridge, on Saturdays from 12 to 1 o'clock, and jappy to see any who may wish to consult him.

Wanted-A club of students can be accommodated at 64 Mt. Auburn St. Mrs. Bucknell.


Wanted-A club of students can be accommodated at 5 Linden street, Cambridge, Mrs. Mooney.
