We coincide with the views of our correspondent in another column, calling upon the executive officers of the several athletic associations to make public before the students the petition recently presented by them to the faculty, or else to call a mass meeting of the whole college to consider and take action in the matter. The question, as our correspondent says, is one of vital importance and as such deserves the fullest publicity and frankest treatment on the part of all concerned in it, faculty, students, and athletic organizations. Moreover we have obvious reasons for believing that in so important a matter action taken in mass meeting of the entire college would be likely to have more weight with the faculty and probably elsewhere, than the secret petition of the officers of our athletic societies, however accurately such petition may express the drift of college sentiment.
The action of our faculty throughout the entire athletic imbroglio of the last two years, we do not hesitate to say, has been marked with a spirit of secrecy and exclusiveness, which in our opinion is highly inexpedient, as is shown well enough by the results such a policy has brought about. The matter has gone too far for further concealment and indulgence in indecisive diplomacy.
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