The attention of the senior class should be called to the fact that there are as yet less than twenty names signed for the heliotype albums. When the remarkable cheapness of the heliotypes is considered, it seems very strange that the required number of names-one hundred-should not have been put down at once. The heliotype albums will cost less than a third of what a complete set of photographs of the class would cost, without considering the cost of a photograph album. Although the heliotype does not give quite as fine a picture as the photograph, still it has the advantage of durability, as a heliotype never fades. The heliotypes too are accompanied by the autographs, which are of interest to many persons. The album will contain pictures of all present members of the class and of all past members now trying for a degree. There are certainly a hundred men in the senior class who wish a class album as a souvenir of their college life, and we feel sure that the only reason the signatures have not been handed in more rapidly is to be found in the customary indifference of students. As the committee have postponed the last day for receiving signatures there is still an opportunity for '84 to secure a heliotype album, of which we hope she will take advantage.
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