

Marks were given out yesterday in English 5.

Mr. Jones has given out the marks in English 9.

Marks in Philosophy 1 will probably be given out on Tuesday.

Mr. Preble gave his section in Freshman Latin a cut yesterday.

The Bowdoin prizes for dissertations on classical and scientific subjects have not yet been assigned.


The alumni members of the Delta Upsilon of Boston and vicinity dined at Young's last evening.

The results of the January examination for conditions in entrance German can be learned at the office.

Members of Greek 7 will bring into the recitation today a written translation of pp. 258-262 of Demosthenes De Corona.

The weight of the coxswains carried by the English University crews is much greater than of those in this country.

Dr. McKenzie, in his prayer yesterday morning, remembered that it was Washington's birthday, although he was not authorized to do so by the college faculty.

The first Divinity-Hall lecture, on Thursday evening, delivered by Rev. Phillips Brooks, was listened to by a crowd which filled the hall. Many ladies were among the audience.

Several names have been suggested for the presidency of Bowdoin, among them Dr. E. C. Smythe of Andover Seminary, and Dr. J. L. Withrow of the Park-street Church, Boston.

Dr. Phillips Brooks will preach in St. John's Chapel tomorrow evening at 7.30. All members of the university are cordially invited to be present, and can secure seats by making themselves known to the ushers.

The university crew is now rowing 750 strokes on the machine, which is equivalent to about a four-mile pull on the water.

An essay by "Tax" was thrown out from the competition for the Bowdoin prices, the judges finding that a considerable part of it consisted of unacknowledged quotations.
