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The liberal bequest to Dartmouth made by Julius Hallgarten, the banker of this city, has a bit of history contected with it, says the Concord (N. H.) Monitor. He was a Jew, and much wonder has been expressed that he should remember the New England College. A few years ago the Rev. Henry E. Parker, D. D., of Dartmouth, visited Bermuda, and while there met Mr. Hallgarten. The New Yorker was favorably impressed with his new acquaintance, and their intimacy was continued by a visit from the banker at Professor Parker's beautiful Hanover home. Out of this friendship and admiration for one of the college's most popular professors resulted the bequest of $50,000 to the college. An added interest attaches to the gift for the reason that no one was aware of the intention of the benefactor until after his death.
