Lost-Sealskin glove, finder please leave at Leavitt and peirce's.
Wanted-A club of students can be accommodated at 64 Mt. Auburn St. Mrs. Bucknell.
Wanted-A club of students can be accommodated at 5 Linden street, Cambridge, Mrs. Mooney.
Mgr. Capel will hold a series of conference during this week, afternoons at 4 for ladies, evenings at 7.30 for men in Church of the Sacred Heart, Sixth street, East Cambridge, on "Life according to the Gospel." Reserved seats for the course 50 cents each. Seats may be hired at the stores or at the parochial residence, corner Fourth and Otis streets, where a diagram of the pews may be seen. All Catholic and non-Catholic-welcome.
Twenty-five cents each will be paid for a limited number of No. 2, Vol. 6, of the Harvard Lampoon, at the office of the Co-operative Society.
Mr. E. J. Ferris has finally consented to take classes in sparring to consist of four members each. Terms: Twenty-four lessons (private) $20; twenty-four lessons (in classes) $15. Those wishing to enter the winter sports should commence at once. Hours, 9 A. M. to 6 P. M., over Ramsay's drug store.
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Wrestling Class.