

Cut in Latin 12 yesterday.

Theses in N. H. 2 will be handed in before April 1.

Marks in Sophomore Rhetoric will be announced a week from Thursday.

The freshman nine is now working three hours a week in the cage.

The Cornell Sun says that Harvard has returned to the use of local time.


The freshman tug-of-war team works in the gymnasium every day at 4 o'clock.

Shingles of the Shooting Club can be had at Holworthy 22, from 9 to 11 A. M., Thursday.

The Law School crew decided yesterday to give up rowing, as there were not enough men.

The Law School tug-of-war team is making arrangements to pull the Union Gymnasium team.

The board at Memorial for the months of December and January will be charged $3.89.

The senior crew commenced "solid" work in the gymnasium yesterday with the old men on.

Marks were given out yesterday in N. H. 2, Political Economy 2, Roman Law 1. History 9 and 15.

Harvard has had but one Chief Justice of the United States, William Cushing.

The Cornell Alumni resident in Chicago are to have a reunion and banquet in March.

The senate committee on appropriations has recommended that $306,000 be appropriated for West Point.
