

The Heliotype company offer these albums to the class of '84 at last year's price, $1,800, provided that a hundred copies are ordered. One of last year's albums can now be seen at Pach's studio. Those who wish an album are requested to hand in their orders as soon as possible. Names may be left at the studio, or sent to any member of the committee. It is highly important to finish taking all the negatives of the class by the first of March, to give time for printing both photographs and heliotypes from the plates. Many of the class have not been taken at all, and more having been taken once, have not troubled themselves to accept the negative, or else to make a new appointment. The committee would also suggest that it is quite as important to keep an appointment as to make it. All those, therefore, who have not been photographed, are urgently asked to do so at once.

GORDON ABBOTT, For the committee.
