We publish in another column an article taken from the latest number of the Phillipian of Andover Academy. From this it appears that the feeling in favor of Yale, formerly so prevalent in that school, has changed during the last few years and that if Andover continues in her present course she will soon be numbered among the staunch supporters of Harvard. That the editors of the paper themselves are willing to admit this new tendency is a sure guarantee that such a change is taking place. Only two years ago the students of Andover Academy hooted the freshmen of '85 who had beaten them at football, and the Phillipian itself said some unpleasant things about the results of the game. Now all seems changed, and from the tone of their article it appears that they hold Harvard in highest esteem and think that Yale has not kept up to the times in matters of liberal education.
It is gratifying to see that the broad policy inaugurated at Harvard some years ago and the constant fostering and enlargement of the elective system, with its wider range and greater attractions, are bearing such good fruit. That this broad policy should win over a large school, formerly averse to the simple mention of the word Harvard, and induce the instructors to change to more liberal methods of instruction augurs well for the popular hold which the Harvard elective system is acquiring among students in general.
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