

We invite all members of the university to contribute to our columns, but we do not hold ourselves responsible for any sentiments advanced in communications. Autonomous contributions will not be accepted.

EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON :-I read with great interest your editorial on the advisability of forming a photographic society, and would like to give, in a few words, my opinion on the matter. There are several uses for such a club. You have mentioned the social gain due to the interchange of opinions on the many difficult questions that so often arise. For photography is no child's play, whatever may be said or written on the subject. But the chief advantage to be gained here in Harvard by such a club is that, should there be enough money in the treasury, a room provided with running water might be hired; for our sanitary arrangements are so perfect here, that although I pay over $250 for my room the only way that I can get water is from two sinks, one up stairs and one down, and both smelling so that I am glad I haven't got one in my room. There are other gains in the distance for a photographic club after the room has been obtained. Such as a man to clean up and do dome of the fifty work. But enough of this. I will co-operate with any endeavor to get up such a club as is proposed, and I recommend all students who themselves take photographs or who expect to take them in the near future, to accept the invitation in another column.

S. '87.
