EDITORS DAILY CRIMSON :-I desire to enter a protest against the action of the representatives of Harvard at the informal foot ball convention at New York following the Yale-Princeton game, in moving and voting (if the New York papers report their action rightly) to award the championship to Yale. I do not think that they represent Harvard's attitude on the question; certainly I am well assured that the greater proportion of the Harvard spectators of the game do not sympathize with their action. They probably desired to support the referee. Had they merely voted to leave the result a draw, they would have gone to the utmost extent that fairness to all parties might demand. Their motion to award the championship to Yale was not carried unanimously, and, therefore, (the report says) it was withdrawn. This merely means that the official delegates from Harvard took it upon themselves to assure Harvard's sympathy to Yale. In the eyes of the majority of the Harvard spectators, the game was fairly and plainly Princeton's, and the referee (we say with regret as Harvard men) was either partial or incompetent. It would be most unfortunate should Princeton get the impression that all Harvard men think differently.
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