
Fact and Rumor.

Seats will be assigned in N. H. 4, at the next recitation.

The number of men who are taking fencing lessons at the gymnasium is 7 or 8.

About twenty men are now sparring regularly with Prof. Ferris in the gymnasium sparring room.

A small fire on a mud-scow near the boat house last evening, called out the fire department and a large number of students,

Two or three of the men who have been sparring with Prof. Ferris will probably enter the winter meeting of the Technology.


The Yale 'Varsity crew have begun rowing, now that foot ball is over for this season, They expect to train from now till the race in June.

An article is soon to appear in Harper's Weekly upon the Pratt Gymnasium of Amherst. It will be written by Blaikie, and illustrated

The campus of Cornell is to be lighted by electricity. What a contrast there will be to the Cimmerian gloom of our yard in the night time.

Williams College broke the ball-throwing record this year, distance 373 feet; but the University of Michigan has passed this with a throw of 377 feet 1 inch.

A very painful accident happened in the gymnasium yesterday afternoon. Mr. Buley '86, fell from the flying rings to the floor, striding upon his head and cutting a deep gash. He was carried to his room in an unconscious condition, but is now improving, his injuries being more from the shock of the fall than from the cut.

"The tedium of the chemistry recitation was broken yesterday by a student going to sleep and rolling off his seat. Much to the amusement of the class". This happened at Yale.

At Harvard, work on the college papers is accepted as a substitute for the regular literary work of the University. Would, Oh, would that the same were true here.-[Ex.

The exhibit of the Institute of Technology at the New Orleans exhibition is made at the special request of Gen. Eaton, United States commissioner of education, and of the Massachusetts board of education.

Russia is said to be the only civilized nation whose laws exclude women from a college course. And yet Dean Burger says that God has forsaken Oxford since women have been admitted to examination in that institution.-[Ex.

A great sensation was produced at the Virginia Military Institute, Thursday night by the explosion of 500 pounds of powder in the magazine, windows in the barracks and the houses of the professors were shattered, and the structures themselves shaken to their foundations. It is supposed the powder was fired last night by a slow fuse applied by a cadet. For some time the cadets have amused themselves by firing off bombs and other explosives about the grounds of the institute. On Tuesday last five students were dismissed for having 90 pounds of powder in their possession. The case has been turned over to the commonwealth's attorney to fully investigate.-(Herald.

A new rowing machine has been placed in the gymnasium at Cornell. There are no springs, weights or cylinders used in the construction of the machine. The principle is simply that of friction. An iron rod bent in the shape of an are of a circle is attached to the end of the lever, and fits into grooves in a couple of blocks at the end of the arm. When the oar is turned as when pulling against the water the rod is pressed against the sides of the blocks giving friction enough to make the stroke about as hard as when rowing in water, but when the oar is turned as in feathering, the bar slides freely in the grooves of the blocks. The block is hung on pivots so as to give the proper verticle component of the motion.
