
Special Notices.

All notices published under this head except "Lost" and "Found" notices must be paid for before insertion.

A club of students can be accommodated at Mrs. Morgan's, 97 Mt. Auburn street, Cambridge.

WANTED-Notes in History 10 and 11 up to December 1. Address with terms. "W. T. C." 736 Cambridge street.

TAKEN-From the door of 30 Thayer, a silk umbrella. No questions asked upon its return to that room.

LOST. -A pair of gold-bowed spectacles, on Thanksgiving day, about noon, going from Harvard Sq. to Walden St., in horse car. Finder will confer a favor by leaving with A. M. Morse, 28 Dunster Street, Cambridge, Mass.

J. F. Noera has opened to the inspection of the public, a new tailoring department. His new method for cleansing clothes by the steam-naptha process is ne plus ultra. The repairing and pressing are done by first-class work men. All orders thankfully received 438 Harvard street.


Those who have not availed themselves of the opportunity of exchanging or purchasing books during Mr. Russell's stay, may do so in future by addressing W. E. Russell, 88 Chambers street, New York. Send in list of text books you have, with copyright and title page dates, and estimates will be returned. Large stock of books, retailed at wholesale prices. In order to receive the special college discount while calling in person at the above address, inquire for Mr. Russell, or present this notice.
