
Plain Talk from Yale.


It cannot be otherwise than gratifying to read the following, from the Yale News, concerning the failure of their freshman eleven to fulfil the engagement to play our own team last Saturday. "Our freshman foot ball team have not covered themselves with glory in their negotiations with Harvard this fall. The facts of the case are these. It seems that at a class meeting it was decided to play Harvard last Saturday. This decision was, however, distasteful to their men on the eleven, who on this account declared that they would not play. And upon this the captain of the team at the last moment-Thursday night-telegraphed to Harvard that there would be no game. Now in every one of these steps the Freshmen were wholly in the wrong, and by no means up to the proper standard of fair dealing. It was an utterly inexcusable act on the part of the three men in question to refuse to play, because the time did not suit them; especially when by so doing they weakened the team very seriously. It was an error of judgment on the part of the captain to refuse to play with a team on which there were three substitutes, however crippled the team might be. And it was not fair to Harvard to notify her at so late a date that the team could not play, If no decision had been reached before in the matter, on that account alone the team were bound to play."
