
Fact and Rumor.

Williston will probably send about fifteen men to Yale next year.

Louis K. Hull has been elected common councilman of New Haven.

The next theme in English 8 is due Dec. 10th. Subject, Addison.

The text books ordered from France, for use in History 1, will arrive this week.

The prizes in the shotgun matches will be placed on exhibition some time next week.


The progress of events in our present foot ball complications is watched with deep interest by the Yale press.

The Montreal Carnival, at which many on the week beginning Jan. 26th.

Junior Theme III will due on Thursday, December 11. Subject: A Description.

The Freshman eleven, it is said, intend to go out of training to-day The team has already left the training table.

It would be a great satisfaction if eleven of the New York reporters could have a game with the university eleven to settle for some accounts they gave of the Thanksgiving game. -(Yale News.

Hereafter the library will be closed a half hour before sunset; and at 5 o'clock, when that hour is more than thirty minutes before sunset. Reserved books can be taken out at 3 o'clock.

The Dartmouth is publishing a series of articles showing how much New Hampshire is indebted to Dartmouth for public officials.

The Yale foot ball management are said to have received $615 as their receipts from the Harvard game, and $1800 from the Princeton game.

The trouble between the students and professors at King's college in Nova Scotia, an institution under the patronage of the Church of England, culminated in the president and entire teaching staff being requested to resign.

The Yale Glee Club is to have the honor of giving a concert in Hartford, in connection with Madame Camilla Urso, violinist, Mme, Chatterton Bohrer, harpist; A. L. King, tenor.

Seventh Ten of Institute of I770: E. S. Emery, P. R. Reynolds, W. Alexander, G. J. Putuam, E. M. Garnet, H. G. Keyes, R. Robbins, S. A. Johnson, T. N. Rhinelander, C. W. Rantoul.

Among the new exercises which will be "passing the shot." Nicely covered 16 1b. and 10 1b. shot will be used. They will be used for passing in different ways from man to man, to short distances.

The hare and hounds run will be started at 3.10 promptly. The hares, Messrs. Bemis, '87, and Dana, '88, will be allowed seven minutes start, and will be required to come in 20 minutes ahead. They must drop the bags after having run 50 minutes, viz at 4 P. M.

On Monday evening the large building of Wisconsin University at Madison called Science Hall, was totally destroyed by fire. The building was a handsome stone structure and contained many valuable geological and scientific collections, besides laboratories and other rooms. The loss will probably be over $200,000, and there is but $40,000 of insurance. Several students risked their lives to save the various collections, and it is said that some of them were compelled to jump from the top windows to escape a fiery death.
