The twenty members of the Shooting Club who met at Watertown yesterday were favored with conditions which ought to have made it an easy task to run up clean scores on the tally sheets. For some reason, however, the shooting fell below the standard reached a fortnight ago, though the figures shown at the close of the afternoon's work were fairly creditable. The matches of yesterday were of importance, being the last competition but one in the current series; the result of the shooting serving to show approximately how the chances stand on the final award of prizes. Everything went satisfactorily with the exception, perhaps, of the glass ball match, in shooting which the men were annoyed by being compelled to shoot directly towards the sun. This trouble will be obviated at the next meeting by changing the ball trap to another pit. The final competition, by the score in which the winners are to be divided, will be shot on Thursday next, the 11th. At the close of the regular matches yesterday, it was found that there was still enough daylight left for another round at the trape, and several men took advantage of the opportunity to secure further practice. The summary:
MATCH A. 10 birds. First, Allen '86, nine: second, Austin '86, Slocum '86, eight,: third, Mead '87, seven: fourth, Bradley '86, Rhinelander '87, Love '88, six.
MATCH B. 10 birds. First, Austin '86, *Allen '86, *Palmer '87, eight: second Bird '86, Clarke '86, six: third, McCook '85, Slocum '86, Chase '88 Love '88, five: fourth, Belmont '86, Bradley '86, four.
MATCH C. 10 balls. First, Love '88, seven: second, Clyde '88, six: third, Austin '88, five: fourth, Blossom '88, Kennard '88, four.
SPECIAL MATCH. 5 birds. First, Bradley '85, Slocum '86, five: second, McCook '86, Bird '86, Belmont '86, three
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