The rapid growth of the art of photography within the last few years is very noticeable, especially among college men. A year or two ago a man who possessed the apparatus of an amateur photographer was looked upon as a curiosity, but now, instead of being the exception, he is fast becoming the rule. The interest which the students show in this pastime is not surprising. Nowhere so much as at college does the student wish to perpetuate the pleasant memories of faces which cluster around his life. the pleasure of looking over in future years some old photographs of past friends and scenes of college life, taken by himself or by his friends, would undoubtedly be a great one to a graduate.
He would feel that what was but a passing amusement had in reality become a lasting enjoyment.
Here at Harvard there is a large number of men who possess a great deal of interest and considerable skill in the art of photography. The recent exhibition contained the result of the labors of several students, and some of the exhibits sent in by Harvard men took a very high rank. AS the interest is so general, we are not surprised to hear rumors of the proposed formation of a Harvard Amateur Photographic Society. The present year seems to be a fruitful one for the birth of societies and associations, and we see no reason to prevent one more name from being added to the already long list of such attractions. In fact the formation of such a society could hardly fail to be productive of good results in bringing together those persons who are already interested in photography, thereby affording them an opportunity of exchanging views on the subject and of gathering much valuable information from the experiences of one another. The formation of such a society would strengthen the rapidly increasing interest in amateur photography, which is surely sufficient to assure the club a good membership at the start.
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