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We print this morning a description of the Society for Political Education, in the hope that some of our readers will be led to look into the matter and join the society. It seems to us that the society ought to have a large representation at Harvard. Its object, certainly, is an excellent one. One of the difficult things nowadays, is for the ordinary citizen, who has not devoted himself to the study of political science, to understand the political questions of the day. The newspapers are, for the most part, too superficial or partisan to be good instructors. It is, however, precisely this intelligent insight into current politics which the Society for Political Education seeks to give to its members. The reason why Harvard men, particularly, should join this society, is that the University has always played an important part in the movement among educated men to enter politics. The Society for Political Education is an off-shoot of this movement, and, as such, should be encouraged by Harvard men.
