THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY.-The opening chapters of three serial stories' Charles Egbert Craddock's "Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains," Sarah Orne Jewett's "A March Island," and Mrs. Oliphant's "A Country Gentleman," render the Atlantic for January a remarkable number. Oliver Wendell Holmes begins a series of papers (to be continued throughout the year) entitled "A New Portfolio," and the first number is full of the old time charm, wit, pathos, and other delightful qualities of the genial Autocrat. Articles of literary interest are a thoughtful study of "Childhood in Greek and Roman Literature," by Horace E. Scudder; and a paper by Richard Grant White on "The H Malady in England." Two pictures of New England life-"A Salem Dame School," and "Winter Days," are of interest; and these, with a short story by Frank R. Stockton; poetry of a Christmas character, and the usual Contributors' Club, complete a number of unusual interest. Houghton, Mifflin and Co., Boston.
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