Since we believe in free speech, we publish this morning a communication from a freshman on the subject of compulsory chapel-going, although, we confess, it would be a kindness to the writer to suppress it. When the writer grows older, he will be far better able to judge of the effects of our present system that he is now, and he will then be prepared to express an intelligent opinion concerning it. He is mistaken in supposing that it is only the men who "indulge in expensive sprees, and go to bed regularly at 2 P. M." as he somewhat vulgarly puts it, that wish to do away with compulsory prayers. On the contrary, it is the desire of those who have the interests of the college most at heart, that, for the honor of Harvard, the present system be given up. If the only arguments to be adduced in favor of compulsory prayers were such as the pictorial ones the writer gives, he by them would have been abolished two centuries ago.
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Special Notices.